If you live in Tarboro, Nashville, Rocky Mount, Elizabeth City, Greenville, NC, or the surrounding communities and own a family business in the farming or commercial fishing industry and are considering bankruptcy, do not hesitate to reach out to John G. Rhyne, Attorney at Law.
When facing looming debt, it’s important to choose a bankruptcy lawyer who is familiar with all aspects of bankruptcy law. We understand that filing for bankruptcy can be a challenging and emotionally overwhelming time. When you choose Mr. Rhyne as your bankruptcy attorney, you can rest assured that he will put his knowledge to work for you to provide trusted bankruptcy advice tailored to your unique situation and will see your case through from beginning to end.
Licensed to practice law throughout the state of North Carolina, in addition to Chapter 12, we have also assisted those facing Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. To learn more about our comprehensive bankruptcy services, call our firm today to set up your free initial consultation.
Nashville, NC |Elizabeth City, NC | Rocky Mount, NC Kitty Hawk, NC | Smithfield, NC | Zebulon, NC
Clayton, NC | Wendell, NC | Washington, NC | Goldsboro, NC | Roanoke Rapids, NC